New Reactive Client for RabbitMQ HTTP API
The RabbitMQ team is happy to announce the release of version 2.0 of HOP, RabbitMQ HTTP API client for Java and other JVM languages. This new release introduce a new reactive client based on Spring Framework 5.0 WebFlux.
Reactive what?
As stated in Spring Framework WebClient
The WebClient offers a functional and fluent API that takes full advantage of Java 8 lambdas. It supports both sync and async scenarios, including streaming, and brings the efficiency of non-blocking I/O.
This means you can easily chain HTTP requests and transform the result, e.g. to calculate the total rate for all virtual hosts in a RabbitMQ broker:
ReactiveClient client = new ReactiveClient("http://localhost:15672/api", "guest", "guest");
Mono<Double> vhostsRate = client.getVhosts()
.map(vhostInfo -> vhostInfo.getMessagesDetails().getRate())
.reduce(0.0, (acc, current) -> acc + current);
Note HOP ReactiveClient
uses Reactor Mono
and Flux
This also means you can build a fully reactive dashboard application to monitor a farm of RabbitMQ clusters. Thanks to the underlying Reactor Netty library, the dashboard application will use as less resources as possible (HTTP connection pooling, non-blocking I/O).
HOP 2.0 is already available on Maven Central. For Maven:
For Gradle:
compile 'com.rabbitmq:http-client:2.0.0.RELEASE'